In addition to the preformatted standard reports, Argus Insight provides the Report Writer tool that you can use to create custom reports for ad hoc/special reporting requirements.
Report Writer is used to create a custom report by directly selecting data mart fields and applying filters on them. The report output can be displayed in various layouts and can be saved in file formats, such as PDF, XLS, or CSV.
This chapter, which explains how to use the custom report tools, includes the following topics:
In this version of Argus Insight, Report Writer uses the features of BusinessObjects XI to let you create custom reports by directly selecting data mart fields and viewing the customized results (report output). The Report Writer interface provides a list of database fields organized in a tree structure. To create a report, expand the trees corresponding to the required database fields and select the fields to be displayed as columns in your report.
Once you have created your report, you can edit the report, change the report layout, run the report in specific formats, and save the report.
When you finish using the Report Writer to create, edit, and save custom reports, you must log out of the BusinessObjects application. If you do not log out of BusinessObjects but you do log out of Argus Insight, another user logging in to Argus Insight has access to BusinessObjects with your user credentials. The system does not prompt the new user to log on to BusinessObjects.
To start Report Writer and create a new report:
Note: Select the active case series filter before selecting data mart fields for your report. This prevents Report Writer from querying the entire data mart and slowing down the report output generation. To view the active case series, navigate to Case Series, Open Case Series, and select Active in Argus Insight. To make a different case series active, navigate to Case Series, Open Case Series, and select Library in Argus Insight. When the CASE SERIES LIBRARY page opens, select the case series you want to make active and click Make Active.
WARNING: If your report consists of fields from the Event and Product tables, it will only display data for those cases where event assessment has been done. This is because event assessment is the only way of defining relationship between an event and a product.
Tip : To select multiple fields, hold down the CTRL key and select the fields. Then drag the field entities to the report output area (in the right panel). To delete a column from the report output, right-click the column and then click Remove from the menu. To revert an action you perform, click Undo on the toolbar.
The Report Writer queries the data mart, automatically executes the query for every field you selected, and displays the data for the selected fields. The fields you selected are displayed as columns in the report output.
For example, Figure 12-1 shows a sample custom report.
When you finish using the Report Writer to create, edit, and save custom reports, you must log out of the BusinessObjects application. If you do not log out of BusinessObjects but you do log out of Argus Insight, another user logging in to Argus Insight has access to BusinessObjects with your user credentials. The system does not prompt the new user to log on to BusinessObjects.
Figure 12-1 Sample Custom Report
To access the report editing options provided by BusinessObjects, select Edit Query . The report editing options let you control what data appears in your report as well as how it is formatted, calculated, and sorted. None of the edit operations you perform are stored in the database.
To use the filtering option to reduce data in your report:
To modify or remove a filter, click the Edit Query tab. Drag and drop the data fields (as the filtering criterion) from the Result Objects panel into the Data tab.
Repeat the procedure to add new data fields and filtering criterion, and then execute the query.
To change the sort order in your report:
Use the predefined summary options to calculate the total, count, maximum, minimum, average, and percentage of the values in columns of your reports.
The summary options available to you depend on the type of data in the column you want to summarize. For example, you can only use the Count option if your column contains text data whereas you can use total, maximum, minimum, or average options if the column contains numeric data.
To summarize data:
To remove summary information, right-click the cell that has the summary information, select Remove, and then select the appropriate option from the menu.
You can use predefined formats to change the appearance of text, numbers, currency, dates, and times in your report. Formatting does not change the underlying data. Table 12-1 describes the available formatting options.
Table 12-1 Formatting Options for Data in Reports
The default format is the format of the report item before any formatting is applied. Use default to remove formatting.
Use the number format to change the number of decimal places, to specify whether to use a thousands separator, to choose different symbols to represent negative numbers, and to scale large numbers.
You can choose from many world currencies. Use either the currency symbol or the international code. For example, the currency symbol for the euro is € and the international code is EUR.
In addition, you can change the number of decimal places, specify whether to use a thousands separator, choose different symbols to represent negative numbers, and to scale large numbers.
You can choose from a list of date and time formats, including the 12 or 24 hour clock.
You can choose from the true/false values.
To change the format of the data in a report:
To access the report layout options for BusinessObjects, use the Turn To context menu option. The layout options let you change the appearance of your reports without changing the underlying data. For example, you can convert your report into a chart or group the report into crosstab column headers.
This section describe the basic layout operations. For detailed information, see the documentation supplied with the your BusinessObjects products.
To turn the report layout into a table or chart:
Use the Save menu option to save the reports you create by using Report Writer. You can save your reports in either Personal or Public folders.
The reports you save are not a snapshot of the data displayed in the report output. Instead, the system stores the specific set of instructions (data mart fields you select) for extracting data from the data mart when you run the report. For example, if you run a report that you saved a week ago, the data in the report reflects any changes in the data mart as a result of the ETL process.
To save a report:
To access the reports you save in the My Favorites folder, navigate to Reports, Report Writer, New, BusinessObjects InfoView home page, and then select My Favorites. You can access the saved reports from the following page:
The Reports, Report Writer, Library menu is no longer available in Argus Insight.
Right-click a report and select Modify to edit a saved report. The report opens in the BusinessObjects XI web intelligence interface. After you edit the report, you can save it by another name by using the Save as option in the Save menu.
If you select a SMQ, the system displays all the cases based on that SMQ.
To use SMQs in Report Writer:
This section describes how to use BusinessObjects InfoView to save the customized reports under the AdHoc Reports menu. AdHoc Reports is a repository where all the customized reports are saved. Reports can be shared among different users.
To save AdHoc reports: