Online Spirits Ordering for Retailer Licensees

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Toll-Free Helpline: 800-701-0513 - Monday - Friday, 8:00am - 4:30pm

Michigan Liquor Control Commission
Online Liquor Ordering (OLO) System
Information and FAQs

PDF User Guides - Click to Open

Welcome to the Michigan Liquor Control Commission's (MLCC) NEW Online Liquor Ordering system.

In order to use this Internet site, you must have an active Michigan liquor license that authorizes the sale of spirits.

Licensees will be required to provide an email address to access the Online Liquor Ordering (OLO) Site.

Need Help?
If you have questions on how the system works or comments about the service you are receiving, call the MLCC Help line! The line is available Monday through Friday from 8:00 a.m. until 4:30 p.m. Call 1-800-701-0513.

Important Dates
The new OLO system will require an email address to register. Licensees who successfully registered in June 2019 will NOT need to register again.

January 20, 2021 – Registration OLO emails sent to licensees who did not register in June 2019
January 20, 2021 – Registration open for licensees who did not register in June 2019 (link to registration site will be provided in email)
February 2, 2021 – New Online Liquor Ordering System go live. All orders will be placed using new online ordering site

Registration Process
The new OLO system will require an email address to register. Licensees who successfully registered in June 2019 will NOT need to register as a new user again. All other licensees will need to register as a new user during their first login. Multiple licenses can be added once your new account has been set up.

Users requesting a separate login for each license will not be able to use the same email for multiple licenses. A separate email address will be required for each license to accommodate this scenario. Each of these additional email address will need to be registered as a New user upon initial login.

Registration for Licensees who successfully registered an account in the NEW Online Liquor Ordering system in June 2019:

You will NOT need to register as a new user.

Important dates:

January 20, 2020- Email sent containing existing user information
February 2, 2021 – New Online Ordering System go live

Your Registration Email will contain the following login information:

License Number:

Password Information:

Your Password: your password was chosen at time of registration and has not changed

Users who need to reset their existing password should access the NEW OLO login page and select the “Forgot my Password” link.
These login credentials should be used on February 2, 2021 when the new OLO system launches.

You will login using the Sign in page
If you need to reset your password, select “Forgot your password?” link.

The system will send the password reset to the email on file.

Registration for licensees who are not registered in the NEW online liquor ordering system. These users have been actively using the preceding online liquor ordering system, but have not established a login for the new OLO system:

Important dates:

January 20, 2021 – Registration token emails sent to licensees
January 20, 2021 – New OLO Registration open for licensees (link included in email)
February 2, 2021 – New Online Liquor Ordering System go live.

Your registration Email will contain the following registration information:

License Number:
Registration Link: The registration link will not be active before registration opens on January 20, 2021. Users will receive an authentication email after registering as a new user, this email is required to access OLO for the first time.

New user registration opens on January 20, 2021. New Users will receive an authentication email after registration. The authentication email contains a link that is required to access the OLO system for the first time.

You will need to register as a new user.
After successful registration, an authentication link will be sent via email.

Licensees are required to use this link to access the online ordering site for the first time.

Registration for New Users who are licensed AFTER February 2, 2020. These users will need to register an account in the NEW Online Liquor Ordering system:

Important Information:

MLCC sends registration emails to new licensees once a liquor ordering license is issued. Registration emails are sent to the email provided during the licensing process.

Your registration Email will contain the following registration information:

License Number:
Registration Link:

This email contains a token required to register for the new Online Liquor Ordering (OLO) system. New Users will receive an authentication email after registration. The authentication email contains a link that is required to access the OLO system for the first time.

You will need to register as a new user.
After successful registration, an authentication link will be sent via email.

Licensees are required to use this link to access the online ordering site for the first time.

Registration for Registered Users who are adding licenses to their existing OLO login. These users already have a registered account in the NEW online liquor ordering system and want to access additional licenses using an existing account:

Users requesting a separate login for each license will not be able to use the same email for multiple licenses. A separate email address will be required for each license to accommodate this scenario. Each of these additional email address will need to be registered as a New user upon initial login.

Important Information:

MLCC sends registration emails to new licensees once a liquor ordering license is issued. Registration emails are sent to the email provided during the licensing process.

Your registration Email will contain the following registration information:

License Number:
Registration Link:

This email contains a token required to register for the new Online Liquor Ordering (OLO) system. Users that are already registered and want to access additional licenses using their existing login credential do not need to register as a new user. These users will use the link in the email and register as a returning user.

You will need to register as a Returning user.

The Michigan Liquor Control Commission OLO system provides licensees with electronic liquor ordering functionality. The online system allows licensees to place, edit, copy, and cancel orders. Licensees using the OLO system will be able to search order history and copy previous orders.

Licensees who are registered in the OLO system will use the sign in page to log in and place an order (See details for registration process above).

Licensees who have forgotten their password may select the “Forgot your Password?” link to receive a password reset email.

After successfully logging into the OLO system, licensees will be directed to the dashboard page. MLCC uses this dashboard to communicate important messages to licensees.

Select a License Number
Licensees will choose a license number they would like to place an order for. Licenses can be selected by choosing Click here to select a license or Choose License Number:

Your Licenses will display, select Place Order button under license you wish to manage or place an order for.

After a license has been selected, the user will see a message that the license number has been validated.

Once validated, the user will be directed to the Products page. Delivery Dates for the ADAs will display at the top of the page. Licensees are ready to begin placing their liquor order.

Placing a New Liquor Order

After a license number is selected and validated users are directed to the Products page. Users can also access the product page by selecting Products from the menu at the top of the page.

Searching for Liquor Products
Licensees can search for products using the liquor code or liquor name. Licensees should enter the code or name into the search box at the top of the Products page.

Liquor products will populate and sort by liquor code number.

Adding an item to Liquor Order (Adding an item to the Cart)
Quantities can be adjusted manually or by using the up/down arrows next to the quantity box.

*The OLO system automatically calculates available split orders and pack sizes, which display in the Quantity box when using the up/down arrows.

Products that can be ordered with split cases are identified using the split case icon.
Select the Add to Cart button to add item to your order.

When an item is successfully added to your cart, a box will pop up in the lower right corner letting you know the items were added to the cart.

Submitting your Order
When ready to place your order, select the Cart icon located in the upper right corner.

The Cart
Items in your cart are pending until order has been submitted. After you have added your items to the cart, to submit an order:

Additional Cart Information
The cart sorts all products within orders by ADA.

If an Item is out of stock, it will be moved to the Out of stock items section.

Any cart errors will be displayed and must be corrected before checking out (9-liter minimum, invalid quantities, etc.).

Quantities of items in the cart can be adjusted within the cart manually or using the up/down arrows. If a quantity is adjusted after validating the cart, user will be required to validate the cart again before checking out.

When ready to complete the order, select the Validate button. At this point, the system accesses the ADA inventory in real time and returns out of stock inventory notices. If an out of stock notice reduces an order to less than the 9-liter minimum, messages display, and the User can edit the cart to correct the issue. All Errors must be corrected in order to checkout and place the order.

Select the + Email address box to enter additional email addresses that need to receive the order confirmation email.

Select the Checkout button when ready to submit the order to the ADA(s). A confirmation email goes to the default email address, any additional emails entered, and to the MLCC.

Editing an Order that has already been Submitted/Confirmed by ADA
Orders that have already been submitted by the licensee and confirmed by the ADA can be edited before the designated cutoff date.

Your existing order
Items in the cart that have already been submitted to the ADA and confirmed will appear with a blue vertical line next to the product name and a quantity ordered amount displayed.

To edit an existing order, access the existing order:

Items in the cart that have already been submitted to the ADA and confirmed will appear with a blue vertical line next to the product name and a quantity ordered amount displayed.

Adding and Adjusting Items in Your existing Order

Additional items can be added using the search for products box at the top of the page or by selecting the products tab.

Adjustments to quantities can be made within the cart or by adding items.

Removing an item that is confirmed can be done by changing the quantity to zero, validate the cart, and checkout. The quantity ordered will be updated to zero.

Items that are out of stock can be added back to the cart by selecting the action icon next to the product.

Viewing My Order History
All confirmed orders are available to view immediately by selecting the Order tab.

Order history will start the day the new system is launched. The order history will only display orders that were placed using the new OLO site. Orders placed directly through an ADA or Salesperson will not be available using this tab.

Orders are sorted by delivery date, with the most recent at the top.

Orders can be searched with the following filters: